
Text Box: Nicholas Rice
Extreme High Altitude Athlete
Text Box: Xpedition 8000

2007 Broad Peak Expedition

Dispatch Forty-Seven: July 26th, 2007

Day Forty-Seven: Paiju to Korofong

Today, we woke up at 5:00am and packed up our things (something I was getting quite fast at doing). We had a quick hectic breakfast and started on the seven hour walk to Korofong. I walked more or less till Jhula with Badia and Mauricio, and after taking an hour lunch break at Jhula, I departed around 2:30pm and arrived quite quickly in Korofong in about an hour and a half thanks to the thick air at the altitude we were now at. Upon arrival, we noticed that the cooks were washing dishes and getting water from a murky stream that had been channeled through the camp. We decided to treat all the water with chlorine and avoid the soup that the cooks were trying to push on us. After a late lunch, we discussed tips for the porters. We reduced their tip dramatically due to their insistence that we depart base camp for Urdukas instead of Goro II as well as for the fact that they were arriving with our things quite late each day. We settled on 100PKR each, dealt the tips to the cook and kitchen staff, and went to bed knowing that the following night, we would be sleeping in beds!

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